Tips on Writing Effective Emails

 Grab attention via the title – 80% of people will only read your title. Make sure you include a catchy title that makes them open the email. For example, it might be a question, controversial, provocative or combo of both. “Are you about to go bankrupt?”

 Spend half your time on the email content and half on the title. The title is that important. And the content should be aiming for a simple easy action you want them to take – don’t ask for marriage on the first date! 🙂

 Use bullets in your email to make it easy to see the key messages or benefits you are offering. In general you want to keep your email short and to the point. Time is precious, everyone is time poor these days.

 Structure your email message so it’s clearly showing how you will help your customer move away from pain and towards pleasure. Always cover both. Show how you will help them avoid pain. Show them how you will help them experience pleasure. When you make statements about benefits, see if you can back them up with stats or specific numbers to add credibility.

  Use a ‘ps’ at the bottom. Second highest read part of the email! Use it for a call to action, deadline reminder, special offer.