Sales – Show Me the Money!

Show me the money!Are you thinking…

“I have a good product and service, so why isn’t it making the money it should!?”

If you are thinking this or something close, this is my specific solution for you.

And trust me, you are not alone.

This is quite a common problem so I have designed a unique audit to quickly troubleshoot your business, and get you the answers on why it’s not making the money it should and what needs to be done about it.

In my experience of working with over 200 businesses in this situation, 80% of the businesses can turn things around within 3 months, 20% need some significant changes and 6-12 months. This isn’t a sales pitch…it’s like driving around lost…before we had GPS…how long did it take to get back on track after you got directions? Not long! Stopping and asking was the slow part! LOL

The ‘Show Me the Money!’

program consists of 3 main activities.

1. First I conduct an audit of your business using a specific questionnaire I’ve developed, plus a discussion over the phone with you about key business details. The questionnaire takes around 15-20 minutes and our one-to-one discussion takes around 40 mins. There is no judgement in this process – the goal is to help you get your business vehicle delivering. 

2. Second step involves me sitting down and reviewing your business information, website, marketing material, budgets, pricing etc and your questionnaire results (I may call you or email you if I have a question). This is completed within a week.

3. The final step is we discuss in person my findings and my recommended fixes. 

There are usually fixes you can implement yourself and quickly, and this may be all you need to do. There may be larger fixes required and we can discuss the best way to tackle these.


How Much Does it Cost?

$457 + GST

Imagine how it will feel to finally clear-up the mystery and start making money. And most importantly you will know what to do to fix it. I’m confident that you will be able to make many of the fixes yourself.

You can’t fix what you don’t know needs fixing.

“We hit $300K this month for the first time ever,
I’m going to Japan for a holiday with the wife,
and profit this year is $240K compared to $40K last year.”
Director, engineering company, Melbourne

The program may also confirm what you suspected and all of us in business need external confirmation at times of what to focus on.