Tag: business tips

‘About You’ page should be about THEM

Situation: your ‘About You’ page is about you and not about your potential customer.

Solution: write your About You page from the perspective of your customer.

They are tuned into WIIFM and want to know whats in it for them.

Ironically an ‘about you’ page is NOT about YOU, it’s about them.

Word it so that it is clear how your background, your experience, your quals, your awards, your life experiences, your roles, your age, your location, your industry, your personality, your nationality, your hobbies…can benefit the prospect reading it.

Think of a dark cave…we are biologically wired to avoid scary places like a dark cave. We don’t go running in do we? Sharing about you on your website is like turning on a few lights in that ‘dark cave’. It helps your potential customer feel comfortable taking a step inside. They get to see things they can relate to and even like.


We all tune into an FM station…and this station dictates how we feel.

What we choose to ‘FOCUS’ on.
And the ‘MEANING’ we give it.

What station have you tuned into this past week in your business, personal life? How did it make you feel and most importantly, how did you act as a result??

As business owners, the station we pick can make or break us!

For example, how’s your mood when you focus on all the knock backs or sales you haven’t won, or customers that weren’t happy?

vs your mood when you focus on the amazing happy customer(s), how fortunate you are to be able to serve, and how another day is another amazing chance to win.

To get different results we need to think differently. Picking a different FM station is the key.

What FM station will you tune into next week?


Just finished a session with a wonderful client who is a high-end car mechanic. He generated two weeks of extra work by a few phone calls to old clients.

Mining your database of past customers (and even their friends, family, clubs, networks) IS THE FIRST MARKETING STRATEGY YOU SHOULD EVER DO!

Your list of past customers is like ‘gold in your hand’. It’s a goldmine!

If you need more sales fast.

I’ve rarely seen it fail. It generates immediate results because the customer has already passed that invisible barrier of trust and uncertainty about whether they will get value.

BTW – I should mention the next most important thing you should do before ramping up your marketing spend is work out what you should be selling. What are the profitable products/services? And which ones will take you to your vision?
No point spending marketing dollars and time in order to sell more stuff that will make you less, or steer you away from your vision.

VIDEO – Don’t Make These Mistakes When Pitching!

Don't just say to a prospect that you 'love doing xyz'. They are not driven to fund your passion. They want benefits for them. So follow up by saying you love it because of the great results you get or how that love translates into better value.
Second tip is the difference between what successful businesses say and the not so successful. The successful ones will often talk in terms of achievements. What they have 'done'. Rather than what they do. So back up what you do with a quick story about what you have done for a customer.

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